Symptoms of the new cholesterol drugs to counter it

Symptoms of the new cholesterol drugs to counter it

Family cholesterol inherited condition associated with high levels of LDL cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and can be affected by exposure to blood vessels and coronary heart disease. Finally, the completed research to discover new drugs to treat high blood cholesterol family, and approved by "FDA" America.

There are two types of family increase blood cholesterol rate:
_ Heterogeneous taxation, which is inherited from a parent affected by excessive family blood cholesterol, in most cases.
_ Symmetric taxation, which is inherited from parents who Eshkoan of hyper family blood cholesterol, and more compared to the above type, but it is less than the total of infected ratio.

Risks ...
• Lead the continuous rise of the level of cholesterol in the blood to dangerous consequences, is the accumulation of fatty deposits on the wall of the arteries of the heart, what hinders the flow of blood through the arteries occurs serious complications include blockage of the arteries and the feeling of pain in the chest, in addition to heart attacks and strokes.
• may be exposed individuals who do not treat cases of family blood cholesterol increase the rate to the risk of early-onset heart disease by more than twenty-fold compared with others.
• The high LDL cholesterol, resulting from a family inheritance, a key factor of the increased risk of atherosclerosis factors, raising the chances of developing cardiovascular disease.
• Statistics indicate that in the event of negligent treatment of increased family blood cholesterol rate, the risk of coronary artery injuries are 50 per cent among males in the age of fifty, and 30% among females at the age of sixty. In some other medical reports, the disease is more common in males over the age of forty of age and females over the age of fifty.

Early diagnosis
It can prevent heart and vascular diseases, if control of risk leading to it at an early stage factors. But given the absence of symptoms of the disease, patients may not be aware of the injury by excessive blood lipid unless conducted a blood test. So, a doctor specializing in the diagnosis begins often scans the blood for a total cholesterol test, which includes the following:
_ LDL cholesterol or high-density lipoprotein.
_ Cholesterol is LDL or low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides.

There are factors other than blood test your doctor may be able to reach a proper diagnosis of the situation, namely:
_ The patient complained of cardiovascular risk.
_ Having a family history of heart attack or stroke early.
_ Increase the diagnosis of family blood cholesterol rate. The doctor needs to diagnose the state of a family member, if the patient's diagnosis is uncertain. It can also genetic tests help it.

Other causes of injury due to excessive blood lipids:
_ A passive lifestyle and smoking.
_ Excessive intake of fatty foods, Kalmkulaiat, sweets and junk foods and red meat.
_ Incidence of obesity and other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, kidney and thyroid. The pregnancy is also responsible for this situation.

Modern treatments
Research recently completed by the discovery of new drugs, approved by "FDA" of America, for the treatment of hyperthyroidism "cholesterol" blood family, such as real estate, "Olirokomap" and "Omettabaad."
There are many types of drugs prescribed for these cases, most notably:
_ Family of cholesterol heterogeneous taxation, could abuse prescription drugs alone or in combination under the supervision of a doctor, such as: the "statin" and the "Azitimaab."
_ Family of cholesterol symmetric taxation: an apheresis low density lipoprotein cholesterol, which is similar to dialysis, as it crosses the blood through a special machine purifies the blood cholesterol. This procedure takes four hours in the hospital. It may be required to undergo this Alajra2-4 times during the month.

An indication that the important change of life style, and include: quitting smoking and exercising walking minutes to thirty a day, and refrain from eating saturated fat (red meat, butter and margarine), and replace them with those unsaturated available in vegetable oils and fish oils and nuts, as well as stop eating foods and beverages containing refined sugar. On the other hand, it is worth a lot of eating food rich in fiber, Kalkhaddrawat, fruits and whole grains.
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