Ginger and pepper for the prevention of lung cancer!

Ginger and pepper for the prevention of lung cancer!

Ginger and pepper for the prevention of lung cancer!

According to the results of a study published in the medical journal "Chemistry Agriculture and Food Magazine", the red pepper (Chile) and ginger have the ability to protect against lung cancer. It has been getting the results through experiments conducted on mice.

The new study sheds light once again on the benefits of certain foods for health. Chinese researchers have found that Jngrol 6, a compound found in ginger, Alcabsesen found in red chili, when they are blended together and addressed, may have a protective effect against lung cancer.

Has researchers from the University of Henan University in China conducted a study on mice genetically engineered to easily become infected lung cancer, and then they fed Eabsesen Paljngrol 6 or separately, or with a mixture of articles in groups.
Scientists have found that rodents that were fed Eabsesen alone showed an increase in the risk of disease, lung cancer. Hit half the number of rodents that were fed mediated Jngrol only 6 of this disease. In contrast, about 20 percent of the mice that were fed a mixture of the two compounds showed the risk of infection with lung cancer.

"We have demonstrated that the incidence of lung cancer increased nutrition Eabsesen. In contrast, the combination of Gangrol 6 and capsaicin together gives adverse effects to double the risk of developing the disease," says Professor Giannou Lee, a professor in the College of Pharmacy at the Henan University and author of the study.

For the time being, the researchers have not yet determined the molecular processes that explain how this interaction to multiply the effects of Gangrol 6 anti-cancer.
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